Libgourou v0.5
Reminder : Libgourou is a free ADEPT protocol implementation (from Adobe) that helps download ACSM files from Linux.
It's Christmas soon. A time of heavy natural resources consumption, in all domains, because tradition and technological progress makes earth burning a bit more again and again. I suggest you to offer culture more than stupid and useless things.
And, what a good news, I have a gift for you ! Libgourou in version 0.5. It doesn't look like great as it's not the v1.0, but it's a big update. First versions were mainly bugfixes (plus PDF support) and I would like to tkank everyone who reported all that, more or less, stupid bugs. Reporting is not funny, but very useful for me and everybody.
So, my first intention when I created libgourou was not to support DRM removal but I saw a lot of people buying PDF (while I was focused on ePub). Using an eReader for reading PDF is not the best solution, big colored screens are so much better. After a long work in both libgourou and uPDFParser, you can now use the new adept_remove utility to remove DRM form ePub AND PDF ! Another good thing is the add of anonymous account support (no need to create or use your account from I recommend to use anonymous account only with a DRM removal software (like adept_remove), because the book will not be linked to your account and in case of failure, you'll have to buy/loan it once again.
I hope you'll enjoy this release. You can retrieve source code here or directly download pre compiled binaries (for Debian testing) here.
See you in 2022 !