IWLA 0.8
Version 0.8 of IWLA (Intelligent Web Log Analyzer written in Python) is now released. While looking at the Changelog, I realized that IWLA is now 10 years old ! It's crazy to see that it's still so useful for me, I use it everyday. There is no real alternatives to it if we consider statistic analysis without cookies/embedded javascript. Only AWSTATS do the same, but it's one big unmaintainable PERL file. This is why I created my own tool which is, I think, more accurate and fine tuned. IWLA is my most actively developed personal project, but this not the only one to be old. I also developed gPass (12 years old), KissCount (15 years old), Denote (10 years old) and Dynastie (13 years old). For these projects, I only do maintenance, but I still use them a lot. For KissCount, I think it should be re wrote from scratch with a cleaner architecture. For Dynastie, there is no real alternative, any current static site generator has a dynamic/web frontend, but I think backend should be migrated to something else (more fast). Denote is quite simple and perfect for my needs.
Going back to IWLA, the changelog is :
- Awstats data updated (8.0)
- Sanitize HTTP requests before analyze
- Fix potential division by 0
- Add rule for robot : forbid "1 page and 1 hit"
- Try to detect robots by "compatible" strings
- Move feeds and reverse_dns plugins from post_analysis to pre_analysis
- Move reverse DNS core management into iwla.py
- Add domain and number of subscribers for feed parser
- Add "multimedia_re" filter to detect multimedia files by regular expression
- Add "no_merge_feeds_parsers_list" configuration value
- Add "robot_domains" configuration value
- Add "ignore_url" configuration value
A demo instance (for forge.soutade.fr) is available here